Droitwich Salt

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Salt. It’s the world’s most used seasoning, it can flavour, cure, preserve and clean, and in our restaurants it’s a key ingredient of our cooking.

Droitwich Salt is sourced from one of the oldest and purest brine springs in the world, we use it because of its superior flavour, from seasoning our patties at the Burger Shop to sprinkling on our Sunday roast potatoes in The Bookshop.

Churchfields Saltworks harvests the salt by hand and crystallising the natural brine into this white gold is all done using renewable energy.

A Rule of Tum has always been about using local suppliers and growing a community, and we are proud to say that all of our salt comes from Droitwich Salt, less than 40 miles from our restaurants.

You can buy this wonderful salt here: www.droitwichsalt.com
